Self-Publish a Book in 10 Steps and Market It! by Hank Quense


You have a story to tell.  Let it out! - from Self-Publish a Book in 10 Steps and Market It! by Hank Quense (quoting his own book, Creating Stories)

Believe it or not, writing the book may be the easy part.  What the majority of us writers don't consider in the midst of our struggling for the opening line, story arcs, and character development, is what happens after you type (or write) "The End" and complete your second (or third or fourth) drafts.  Hank Quense takes you, novice author, and shows you the light if you choose to go the self-publishing route.   He starts with such basics as initial tasks (Chapter 1), which include further drafts and revisions, finding readers to critique your work, and what to expect to spend on publishing, editors, and book covers. 

As a published author himself, Mr. Quense shares his own contacts in the sections covering cover artists,  packagers, and even getting an ISBN number for your book.  See?  There's a lot more to writing your book than you thought - and while Self-Publish a  Book in 10 Steps and Market It! can be overwhelming for the novice writer, it truly is chock full of valuable information to get your book on Amazon's shelf or at your local Barnes & Noble.   

Perhaps one of the most valuable sections of the book is the area that many self-published authors may struggle with the most - and that's marketing.  Having to do not just the lion's share of the marketing, but all of it, yourself takes not just know-how but time.  Mr. Quense outlines a plan, with questions and answers (and even offers to forward you a spreadsheet if you email him) to make the task smoother.  He also discusses reasonable marketing budgets you should expect to spend.  

A chapter I found particularly interesting and helpful was that on social media.  As all authors are expected to have some sort of social media platform today, Mr. Quense covers them all, including Facebook, Goodreads, etc., discussing the importance of what you post, as well as using hashtags to get readers to your landing page and your site - and to your book! 

Wrapping up Self-Publish a Book in 10 Steps and Market It! are the prelaunch activities, getting book reviews, including yet another helpful questionnaire to find out what your reviewers enjoyed (Or did not) about your book, and post-launch marketing (which includes everything from writing another book to getting more reviews to hosting book giveaways).  

As a writer myself, I consider Self-Publish a Book in 10 Steps and Market It! a valuable resource that will have a permanent place in my library.  It's an easy-to-read step-by-step guide that will assist any writer in self-publishing their book.  I would not hesitate to recommend it.

I received a copy of Self-Publish a Book in 10 Steps and Market It! in exchange for an honest review.  I was neither paid nor compensated for my review.  

Book Trailer

About the Author

Hank Quense has self-published his books for over 12 years.  His non-fiction books cover fiction writing (Creating Stories), self-publishing (How to Self-Publish and Market a Book, Self-Publish a Book in 10 Steps and Market It!), marketing (Book Marketing Fundamentals), and author business (Business Basics for Authors).

He also lectures on these subjects in schools, libraries, and on webinars.

Hank recently started  The site provides solutions to pain points (problems) for fiction writers, self-publishing authors and authors who are trying to market their books.

Connect with Hank on his website, Twitter (X), Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, BookBub, and Goodreads.

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  1. Thank you posting such a great review for my book! I appreciate the time and effort involved

    1. Thank you for the opportunity. I will definitely check out your other writing books - such a great resource!


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